
Electronics has been a part of our lives as soon as it came into existence. Electronics is changing day to day more than imaginable. The famous Moore's law says the number of transistors per square inch on an integrated circuit doubled every year since their invention and also predicted that this can be seen for the Foreseeable future. This law was made in 1965. Now, It has gone far too far. From the invention of the transistors in the year 1947 by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley to the current 5nm technology, electronics has gone too far than imaginable and is some or the other way controlling all our lives. With electronics is changing technology. And it is very rapid.
           Imagine all the devices shut down for 1 hour all over the world at the same time. It is really hard to imagine. The world comes to a stand still. We are currently so dependent on technology right now, even the troubleshooting of a device is done by another device. Starting from hand troubleshooting of a device, we advanced so much in technology, the history of hand operated devices faded long from known. This made us not just lazy but, the basic understanding faded. Every average person now uses high end electronic devices but fail to understand that every high end device is broken down to the least components with very basic understanding.
           We do not need advanced technology to develop an advanced technology. Sometimes, the most basic functionality can be used to develop something never seen before. In the technological field, it is all about understanding and imagination that works. A dive into the smallest city of PCBs, Control towers like the micro chips, Facilities and management buildings like the analog components give us the productivity, economy, exports, imports and resources of the over all circuit in the device. 
           I had been into the field of electronics and DIY projects since 8 years. Worked as the technical head of the Robotics club of my School for 3 years where i worked on hundreds of projects. I also conducted workshops and teaching sessions on DIY projects and hardware hacks. With my experience, I found out that electron level understanding helps your knowledge base to be generalized and easy to get adapted to any electronics environment.


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